Cheese Loves You

COVID-19 Update March 11, 2022

Updated: March 11, 2022

The health and welfare of our employees and customers is a top priority at les amis du FROMAGE.  While some of these changes may pose an inconvenience to some of you, it’s important to us that we provide a safe place for our employees to work.

Please be aware of the following changes we have made to our daily routine.

We ask that anyone who is feeling unwell, or under self-quarantine to refrain from visiting us so that together we can ensure a safe and comfortable experience for everyone. Please come and visit us when you are feeling better.

Operating Hours

Both stores have updated hours and are open daily from 10am – 6pm (closed holiday Mondays).

Face Masks

Face masks are no longer required when visiting our stores. 

Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizer is available for you to use. It is located at the front of the store. 

Physical Distancing

There are no longer any physical distancing limits.  

Customer Limits

There are no longer any customer limits in the store.   

Cleanliness / Food Safety

  • We are following mandated cleaning protocols throughout the store.
  • We have suspended offering product sampling until further notice.
  • At this time, we are not allowing customers to use their own refillable containers and food wraps. 
  • Reusable shopping bags are encouraged. Please try to keep them clean.

Thank you for your understanding.

-les amis du FROMAGE

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