Cheese Loves You

Canadian Top Ten Cheeses

We love Canadian cheese at les amis, but it seems like we have had more reason than usual to talk about our favourite Canadian cheeses lately. I thought it would be fun to ask everyone to tell me their favourite Canadian cheese. I asked all of our mongers at both of our stores, for their go-to cheese and I got some interesting , and unexpected answers.

Over the next few weeks I’ll give you a run down on some of our top 10. We have so many great cheeses in the store, and we all have very different tastes and different personalities, so it’s fun to see what we agreed on and what didn’t make the cut.

Some of the funny responses first, before I get into our faves. I told everyone I wanted their one top pick – at least 6 people gave me two cheese, and two people even gave me three picks. We’re a feisty bunch – not always good at doing what we’re told! They all insisted they couldn’t narrow it down to one

One of the answers for “what is your favourite Canadian cheese” was  “Cow’s Cultured Butter”. Is that a cheese? I also had a few qualifiers , “this one is my favourite when it’s perfectly ripe” – we’re obviously a fussy bunch!

Before we talk about the top ten, I thought I would give a shout out to cheeses that people felt really strongly about, but only had one vote in our very unofficial poll. All of these great cheeses got one loving vote. Given that we carry well over 100 Canadian varieties, there are a lot of great choices in the running.

In no particular order:

  • Madelaine this is a lovely delicate brie made with sheep’s milk by Fromagerie Nouvelle France in Québec. Sheep raised for milk is rather a rarity in North America, and I love sheep’s milk cheeses, so definitely one to look out for.
  • Tete Dure is a great washed rind cheese , on the milder side, made by Fritz Kaiser in Québec. This cheese is medium firm to firm and has a lovely nutty taste, with an ever so slightly earthy finish.
  • Ste-Nitouche is another great washed rind cheese from Fritz Kaiser, but this one is a goat version. This is a great introduction to goat’s milk cheeses because it is flavourful and tasty, but not too barnyardy.
  • Grand Trunk is a great aged firm cheese from Stonetown Artisan Cheese in St Mary’s , Ontario. Great nutty flavours and a full sharp finish.
  • Le Pizy is a small soft cheese made by La Suisse Normande in Québec. This lovely cheese has such a delicate, fine rind and a rich mushroomy flavour that it is a pleasure to recommend.
  • Bleu d’Elizabeth is a memorable blue made by Fromagerie le Presbytère in Warwick, Québec. This is blue for real blue lovers. It has an amazing brittle, yet creamy texture and the most beautiful little craters of blue, that you can gaze at for hours.
  • Sauvagine is a triple cream washed rind cheese also from Québec. This is definitely a customer favourite and it has just the right amount of creaminess, and earthiness to satisfy your funky cheese craving.
  • Fou du Roy is a softer than most washed rind Québec cheese made by Les Fromagiers de la Table Ronde. This smallish wheel has a beautiful buttery texture and an interesting flavour of hay and peanuts.

All of these are great examples of the work our cheese makers are doing. Lets get out and support them, and maybe a nice glass of local beer or wine wouldn’t be a bad idea either.

Next week - time permitting – I’ll fill you in on numbers ten to four.

Until next time


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